Almost every photograph I to share has significance to it. It can be as simple as memory that sticks in my head, or as profound as the reason of my existence.
If you were to ask me about my photos I would be able to pinpoint the memories and tell you what I was thinking and doing at that moment in my life. Many carry a story and some the story comes after the moment.
These few photos are what make me want to continue creating art and express my thoughts through photographs.
The Apparition
This one is an odd to say the least…
The story here still doesn’t make sense to Cassie or I.
While we were enjoying each others company I had the idea to try to get some long exposures of the fire, the wind was nonexistent and I thought it would make for an interesting shot.
I walked 150 feet away and set my camera for 20 seconds exposures and told Cass id be hanging there for a little tinkering.
Now, what happened next began to confuse me. I took a photo and after looked it processed noticed an odd refraction of light that looked like a butterfly coming in from the left. Obviously I wanted to see what it was so set it for another 20 seconds.
After 1 minute of taking 3 more exposures I was dumbfounded. The “butterfly” had moved towards the fire and as soon as it went above it had changed in shape to what I can only describe as the Helm of Sauron.
As soon as I looked at the photo I heard Cassie ask me to come back because something felt off (the fact that she is looking at the apparition in the photo confirmed something was off). I rushed back to show her. Needless to say she did not want me to wander off to take more photos.
May 10th, 2024
This night was the most magical thing I have witnessed with my own eyes. On May 10th 2024 we had a G5 "Extreme" geomagnetic storm. This resulted in the Aurora Borealis coming much further south than usual.
I was sitting at home playing video games with some friends and had no clue of the event until my buddy Abel said “you should go look outside right now”. Confused I asked “why?” and he sent a picture of the lights from Pemberton.
I instantly stood up and walked outside to see a faint glimmer in the sky. Knowing my cameras eyes were WAY better than mine, I went to get it and do a long exposure to see what I could (or couldn’t) see. I was instantly in awe. The colors I could see were unbelievable.
I called a friend and we headed off into the night. As I went to pick them up cars were stopping and pulling over as the sky had increased in activity exponentially. I cannot describe the speed and grace at which the sky was shimmering in hues of purple and green.
We hastily made our way to the Squamish Spit to watch the show. A show that, for the rest of my life I will remember. The sky was a 360 degree lightshow. Anywhere you looked you could see light dancing, sometimes slow dancing and other times doing the Tango.
I had sort of a spiritual epiphany that evening about our world and what it meant to be alive, something I revisit every time I need a boost.
The world is filled with beauty beyond our comprehension.
National Go Skate Day 2024
National Go Skate Day on June 21st, the Summer Solstice, is a tradition for me. We haul ourselves down to Vancouver with a thousand other skateboarders and take over the metropolis.
If you haven’t experienced it I would recommend it. The roar of thousands of skateboard wheels bouncing off the skyscrapers, the police sanctioned roadblocks for us, and the sheer scale of it gives me a sense of belonging and community that is indescribable.
Skateboarding brings all different walks of life, a common interest. It gives perspective and teaches us how to apply that into life overall. People, regardless of their affiliation, deep down crave connection and skateboarders are an incredible example of this. Punks, jocks, emo’s, gay, trans or straight, drop all judgements and share a passion together.
This photo of Tyler Debathe Frontside flipping over this 10-set handrail is impressive nonetheless, but to me what makes this so special is the flash that went off, is not mine… Somehow, I clicked my shutter at the exact 1/250th of a second that another photographer did and “stole” his flash.
I weaseled my way to the front of the spot after arriving late and sat with a couple other photographers. I was able to take 4-5 photos before being told to please respect that the others who got there first and not to butt in. I looked down at my camera and saw this photo and said “no worries”. The timing of this moment in so many ways, made it burn into my mind.